"In the modern age, very little remains that is real"
Gaston Rebuffut, Mountaineer

Friday 26 February 2010

Music for your pretty little ears

I started putting together this playlist a few days ago and decided to call it Walk, the idea being that it would be the perfect soundtrack for a walk, possibly in the country - thus it started off very classic folky - it has had a few adjustments and would still be a good accompaniment for a walk in the fields but any walk would do i suppose. Because I try quite hard to ignore technological advances, I am a CD walkman man over iPod, i've realsied I will have to download all these records but if you are young and thrusting and know the difference between an iPad and a block of chedder then you will probably have Spotify on your (i)phone (or whatever it is you have) so you wont have to do anything as complicated as downloading all the tracks individually - having said all this you dont actually have to listen to this while walking, it works equally well in the office! Click here and Enjoy.